
Q2A developer and core contributor

I’m a Q2A developer. You can find me in the Q2A Q&A site under the pupi1985 username.

My contributions to the Q2A core

You can check my pull requests to the Q2A core in this link. If you want to thank me for the time I spent in this free project developing core features, performance improvements and bugfixes that users of your forum are enjoying while you’re reading this, then you can send me a donation using PayPal.

My plugins

Every year I develop a couple of plugins. I try to bring to Q2A ideas that are either innovative or proven to work in other platforms. Check them out here.

Premium plugins can be tested from this link.

Q2A services

I also provide on-demand Q2A support. This includes customizations, setup and plugin development. If you need assistance, feel free to request an estimation filling this form.