Profile Customizer
Allows the customization of the profile page by adding additional features not present in the core, including tracking of point changes
Bulk Content Generator
Gives admins the ability to generate content on their sites by means of file uploads
Advanced Search
Extends the way in which Q2A searches for posts and allows the user to get better results when searching
Social Network Profiles
Allows users to add information about social networks they are part of and share it with the community
Temporary User Block
Allows users to be blocked for a period of time and then be automatically unblocked
User Reactions
Allows users to react to questions, answers and comments
Just A Bump Plugin
Allows users to bump questions sending them to the top of the All activity section
Dynamic Mentions
Allows users to be mentioned using the @user syntax
Flexible Notifications System
Allows users to receive notifications in a flexible and efficient way
Configuration Manager
Allows users to import and export Q2A configuration
SPAM Registration Stopper
Prevents highly probable SPAM registrations based on well-known SPAM checking services and other techniques
Fake Cron
Fires events after a certain amount of requests or in a time-based manner (daily, weekly, monthly)
Random Avatar
Assigns new users a random avatar from a given set immediately after registering
Maximum Tag Length
Limits the amount of characters allowed per each question tag