I’d like to compare Q2A with StackOverflow.com, which is the kind of platform I believe Q2A should aim to become, and try to see what makes it better to steal some ideas. Clearly, user mentions, in the form of @user, with a UI-friendly solution came up so I decided to create a nicely looking plugin that would take care of this.
This should sum everything up:
![Dynamic mention animation](https://bitbucket.org/repo/x8x6e9X/images/3015656445-1.gif)
The animated sequence shows how typing an @ character followed by a couple of additional characters triggers the display of a popup to select users. The admin can configure this popup to be filled with only the users involved in the question thread or every user in the site.
![Dynamic mention dropdown](https://bitbucket.org/repo/x8x6e9X/images/4111031239-2.png)
Mentioning a user not only creates a link to the user’s profile but also can notify them about the mention. The admin can configure two kinds of notifications. One is an email notification. The other one is a notification by means of the Flexible Notifications System plugin. This notification system is very useful when trying to involve other users into a thread.
One additional feature that is worth mentioning is that the admin can set a minimum user level that will be allowed to create mentions to other users. That way the admin can restrict the feature just to Editors and above.
Here is a complete list of features:
- Easily transform a username into a clickable link when writing a post (mention)
- Users can be selected from a popup list of matched users
- An additional user field can be displayed in the popup (e.g. the full name of the user)
- Mentions can be used in questions, answers and comments
- Full and basic editors can be selected for each kind post
- Flexible Notifications System plugin integration that displays a notification when a reaction is received
- The admin can choose to enable sending email notifications to mentioned users
- User permits can be configured to allow a minimum user level allowed to generate mentions
- Does not require any core hack and does not modify the core tables structure