Maximum Tag Length

Limits the amount of characters allowed per each question tag


Product code: MTL

Main features [read more]

Users can configure the maximum tag length in the settings

Questions that contain long tags cannot be asked

No core hacks or plugin overrides needed


The core doesn’t provides a few checks on tags, but focus on the amount of tags. It doesn’t focus on tag length. This brings the issue of users creating long tags (either by mistake or on purpose) that are hard to delete.

This plugin just checks the amount of characters in question tags does not exceed a given limit.

Plugin settings

If a question exceeds the limit, an error id displayed:

Question error

These are the plugin features:

  • Does not allow posting or editing questions that have a character count that exceeds a given amount
  • Internationalization support. Spanish translation included
  • No need of core hacks or plugin overrides
  • Simple installation